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Name: Shadow

Age: Ancient

Race: Majin/Demon half-breed

Debut: None as of yet



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Jobs: Blacksmithe, Dojo Master, Company man.



Shadow is an old demonic majin, having existed since medieval times he once called a clan of vampires his familly. One day though, they had disappeared from existance, all vanishing from the world except him. Being left alone in the world, he wondered aimlessly and without anywhere to call home.


This is where the path splits for in one reality he remains alone but finds an interdimensional door which allows him to go to many different worlds. In one dimension he would set up a dojo around this door. In this reality, Shadow goes on many adventures, meets numerous friends.


In another reality, the majin is a humble blacksmithe and simply crafts armors and weapons for those who would pay him for his wares. In this reality, he was happily merried to a beautiful women who was a warrior of fire. The two also had a child in this reality. Sadly, both had seemed to disappear from his life, leaving this one in a state of loneliness. Later on in this same world, he was hired by a friend to have a desk job, which was mostly just for income to pay the bills when he had a home.


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