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Name: Kotemon

Age: 5 months

Race: Digimon

Debut: Gmod- Kyoko Dominated



Extra info


Digimon type: Reptile

Attribute: Data

Digimon Familly: Dragon Roar



Digivolutions unlocked so far



Little is known of Kotemon's past to other people of the Majin clan, and most likely it is a past to remain unspoken of as he is the silent type. No words ever leaves from behind his kendo mask, whether this is by choice or inabillity also remains a mystery. All that is known is he is the Digimon Partner of Daro (AKA Ninja Mushroom) and is proficient in sword fencing. Little has been shown of his skill other then a small robot creature being stricken down by a powerful flash-step technique.


While silent, Kotemon does show some body language, shaking his head when displeased, and nodding his head in respect. He can be friendly sometimes, but most of the time he keeps to himself.

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